Wednesday, September 30, 2009

favorite of the month: September

I find it funny that as a wedding photographer, I often choose landscape pictures as my favorite of the month. My reasoning is that it would be unfair to post a work picture because then I would be choosing one client over another and that's not nice.

So here you have a fall-ish shot of some corn, with the beautiful September skies we were blessed with this month. It was taken at A Maze In Corn a few weekends ago. We went with friends of ours and I was very disappointed to have to take the "family-friendly" way out. (Meaning, we didn't finish.) But I'm sure if we'd stayed much longer, we'd have regretted it - the kids would see to that. However we finished, it was a good time. The kids were troopers, they loved the petting zoo, the weather was perfect and that's all good in my books.

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