Thursday, January 28, 2010

woe is me....

I've done nothing today. NOTHING! And I hate that. And it's totally for lack of trying. I take full responsibility.
I'm on a lazy-don't-want-to-do-anything kick that started last week while I was sick. While I was sick I had an excuse. Today, I do not. (Unless I blame it on the hormones, but that is so overdone and should not be used as an excuse.) So here I am, excuse-less-ly lazy and down in the dumps about it.
I need to get up and do something! Clean something up! Lift my shoulders and put a smile on and face the day head on!
I gave myself this pep talk earlier in the day and felt better, so I rewarded myself by finishing a book. BIG mistake! The ending was a little depressing and then I was mad at myself for wasting my time and found myself back at square one. Actually, I found myself further in this sad hole than before. Which is really just more depressing.
Since sitting down here a few minutes ago, I have sighed 3 miserable sighs.
I wanted to post something today - I've got a few sitting on the sidelines, but I suppose this will count. Though you aren't getting a picture. (Did you expect one?!)
So there. Now I've done something.
And I suppose the laundry I folded counts too. And maybe feeding everyone. And playing lego. And reading a book to my son.
4 sighs.
I'll get there. How did that pep talk go again?

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's a beautiful day!

What a great way to start a Monday! Was it as beautiful a morning where you were as it was here? I was admiring the frost and the sparkle early this morning, thinking that shooting from the window was just not going to cut it. (How lazy is that anyway?!) When my morning plans were cancelled, I figured I'd go for it. The boys and I got bundled up and away we went, down the street to the "wild woods". (That's what the boys call it.)
I've always enjoyed the spot - it's peaceful and pretty and full of big trees - but with the boys, it becomes magical. In their eyes, it's unchartered territory! It's exciting! It's adventurous! It's full of possibility!
Even though I was doing my thing and they were doing theirs, I couldn't help but be caught up in the wonder and joy and enthusiasm they had with everything around them. I loved that.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Favorite of the month: December

I'm back! Well, for one post anyway. I can't promise anything past today... I've got stuff goin' on.
But here's December's favorite of the month! I kind of cheated a little and put two together. (I can do that, though. It's in the rules, trust me.)
Anyway, this was taken Christmas morning after all the hooplah of opening gifts had subsided and I remembered a gift (or 4) that I'd forgotten about! I'd hidden them under the couch the night before and then it totally slipped my mind. A phone call with my mom triggered the memory (I'm not sure why) and I had the boys pull them out and a fun marshmallow war ensued. My two year old was far more interested in eating all the ammo he could find, so I got to use his shooter. Lots of fun. And look at their faces! I did good, eh?