Monday, December 7, 2009

Just Because: Kevin and Jocelyn + kids

I'm sitting here trying desperately to remember when these photos were taken. It's just not coming to me. I don't know why it matters anyway. Sometime in October? Early November? No clue. They were taken. That's what matters. And here they are for you to see!
Once we arrived at our location, someone noticed that someone else was wearing the "wrong" jacket. Said "someone else" had to then return home and find the proper one - which took longer than anticipated because it had been put away for the season. Once "someone else" returned with the correct jacket, the baby decided he'd had enough and that was the end of that. But we managed to get some good ones! (Of course!) Easy enough to do with this group. (I think the last one is my most favorite!)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

breathing it in

I'm always excited when December rolls around. It means Christmas is almost here and I LOVE Christmas! I love Christmas baking (the actual baking, but mostly the eating), Christmas family gatherings, Christmas music (hooray for Roger Whitakker's Christmas album!), Christmas decorations, Christmas parties, Christmas stories... I could go on. My favorite though, is the Christmas feeling. I know you know what I'm talking about. The happy-smiley feeling that seems to permeate everything this time of year. There's excitement in the air. There's giving and sharing. There's love in the air. I want to breathe it in and let it fill me up. I love it.