Monday, August 31, 2009

favorite of the month: August

So. Here we are, at the end of August. Summer is almost done for another year. I confess, that makes me a little bit sad. But I do enjoy fall, and winter has its good points too, though I don't want to be thinking about them just yet.

I took a lot of pictures this month - it was hard to choose a favorite. But this one here makes me smile so the honour goes to it. (I LOVE wild daisies!)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It must be LOVE!

I love my husband. Have I mentionned that before? It's worth saying again.
I love my husband.
The other night, he was washing the car and I was here, at the computer. (Typical.) He came in and casually said "It's a nice night. There's some fog north of town. Maybe you'd like to take your camera and go for a drive." And I was like, "oh"- in a surprised, pleasant sort of way. Of course, I grabbed my stuff and went.
It meant a lot to me that he was thinking of me and my photography. He's not really into pictures. He appreciates a good one, but the whole "hunt for the best photo ever" he's not really into. And that's fine. We can't all be like that:) So I really appreciate it when he shows an interest in my photography and suggests to me that I go do something I love. Because it means he loves me.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just Because: Roger and Colleen + kids

I had the pleasure of spending some time with this lovely family the other evening. Just a little bit of time - the kids don't have a lot left to give at the end of the day:)

I love it when I get to have some say in the where and when of picture taking. Roger and Colleen were gracious enough to allow me to plan the shoot to my specifications, even though I'm not the one with a hungry four month old and a two year old nearing bedtime. Thankfully, the kids were into it too.

I think it went rather well, don't you?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Life Jackets and Cinnamon Buns

It was a bad day. Nothing happened to make it that way, it actually just started that way. One of those "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed" days. The kind of day where you wake up and just want to go back to bed and stay there for the day. I was cranky and irritable and miserable. I tried not to be - though, I'll admit, not very hard. I always tell my boys they can choose to change their attitude, but I wasn't doing a very good job of changing mine. Maybe I need days like that to remind me how hard it can actually be to do these things I so easily say.
Anyway, we went over to my parents' place for a reprieve. They picked up on my mood, but didn't say much. Dad offered me a life jacket - to keep me afloat - and mom gave me an extra hug when we left and said she'd bring by some cinnamon buns later. While these two little things didn't immediately change my mood for the better, they were the turning point. I often found myself smiling during the day at an image of me, walking around the house wearing a life jacket. And who wouldn't smile at the thought of fresh, homemade cinnamon buns?
I'm glad for people who can see I need help and deliver it. Especially in the form of cinnamon buns.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Favorite of the month: July

Kids are neat. I don't know if you get the chance to watch children play very often - I do and yet I don't. I have the opportunity on a daily basis, but I don't often take in what I'm seeing. It's worth it though, to stop and pay attention to how children interact with the people and things around them.
This favorite was taken on a camping weekend with a group of friends. Some of us are up earlier than others, so I took the kids who were awake for a walk before breakfast one morning. We ended up down at the beach where the kids threw stones, drew in the sand, played in the water and looked for pretty pebbles. It was so great to be able to stand back and watch them play and explore. I could just soak in the beautiful early morning light, the waves on the shore and the carefree play of children.
That's likely why this one is my favorite - for the way it makes me feel, for the memory it brings and for reminding me to stop and take it in.