Friday, January 8, 2010

Favorite of the month: December

I'm back! Well, for one post anyway. I can't promise anything past today... I've got stuff goin' on.
But here's December's favorite of the month! I kind of cheated a little and put two together. (I can do that, though. It's in the rules, trust me.)
Anyway, this was taken Christmas morning after all the hooplah of opening gifts had subsided and I remembered a gift (or 4) that I'd forgotten about! I'd hidden them under the couch the night before and then it totally slipped my mind. A phone call with my mom triggered the memory (I'm not sure why) and I had the boys pull them out and a fun marshmallow war ensued. My two year old was far more interested in eating all the ammo he could find, so I got to use his shooter. Lots of fun. And look at their faces! I did good, eh?


Jenn said...

Cool! Are they actual marshmallow blowers? Love the smiles. :)

Erin Propp said...

Ryan looks sooo happy in that pic. Love it.