I've done nothing today. NOTHING! And I hate that. And it's totally for lack of trying. I take full responsibility.
I'm on a lazy-don't-want-to-do-anything kick that started last week while I was sick. While I was sick I had an excuse. Today, I do not. (Unless I blame it on the hormones, but that is so overdone and should not be used as an excuse.) So here I am, excuse-less-ly lazy and down in the dumps about it.
I need to get up and do something! Clean something up! Lift my shoulders and put a smile on and face the day head on!
I gave myself this pep talk earlier in the day and felt better, so I rewarded myself by finishing a book. BIG mistake! The ending was a little depressing and then I was mad at myself for wasting my time and found myself back at square one. Actually, I found myself further in this sad hole than before. Which is really just more depressing.
Since sitting down here a few minutes ago, I have sighed 3 miserable sighs.
I wanted to post something today - I've got a few sitting on the sidelines, but I suppose this will count. Though you aren't getting a picture. (Did you expect one?!)
So there. Now I've done something.
And I suppose the laundry I folded counts too. And maybe feeding everyone. And playing lego. And reading a book to my son.
4 sighs.
I'll get there. How did that pep talk go again?