Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Favorite of the month: July

Kids are neat. I don't know if you get the chance to watch children play very often - I do and yet I don't. I have the opportunity on a daily basis, but I don't often take in what I'm seeing. It's worth it though, to stop and pay attention to how children interact with the people and things around them.
This favorite was taken on a camping weekend with a group of friends. Some of us are up earlier than others, so I took the kids who were awake for a walk before breakfast one morning. We ended up down at the beach where the kids threw stones, drew in the sand, played in the water and looked for pretty pebbles. It was so great to be able to stand back and watch them play and explore. I could just soak in the beautiful early morning light, the waves on the shore and the carefree play of children.
That's likely why this one is my favorite - for the way it makes me feel, for the memory it brings and for reminding me to stop and take it in.

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