It was a bad day. Nothing happened to make it that way, it actually just started that way. One of those "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed" days. The kind of day where you wake up and just want to go back to bed and stay there for the day. I was cranky and irritable and miserable. I tried not to be - though, I'll admit, not very hard. I always tell my boys they can choose to change their attitude, but I wasn't doing a very good job of changing mine. Maybe I need days like that to remind me how hard it can actually be to do these things I so easily say.
Anyway, we went over to my parents' place for a reprieve. They picked up on my mood, but didn't say much. Dad offered me a life jacket - to keep me afloat - and mom gave me an extra hug when we left and said she'd bring by some cinnamon buns later. While these two little things didn't immediately change my mood for the better, they were the turning point. I often found myself smiling during the day at an image of me, walking around the house wearing a life jacket. And who wouldn't smile at the thought of fresh, homemade cinnamon buns?
I'm glad for people who can see I need help and deliver it. Especially in the form of cinnamon buns.