I'm retiring.
(I call it "retiring" because it sounds nicer than "quitting".)
For quite a while now I've felt like I wanted to do more with my photography business, but I wasn't sure how to go about it what with three little ones and all. I was becoming really frustrated about it until I realized that I didn't want to be doing things halfway. I felt like I could do neither my photography nor my mothering the way I wanted because I was always thinking about the other, or busy with the other. I wanted to be giving it my all, but I couldn't with these two things. And since I want to be the best mom I can be more than I want to be a better photographer, I'm letting it go.
It took me a l-o-o-ng time to get there, but once I made the realization and the decision, I felt good about it. And I still do. I know I'm making the best choice for me.
So there you have it. I delayed this post for a long time because I wasn't sure how to tell you. My clients and friends and family - you've all been so supportive. I felt like I was letting you down by quitting, pardon me, "retiring". I know I surprised some of you. But I know this is a good thing and I hope you can see it as such.
I have truly appreciated all the kind words and referrals over the last 7 years. I've loved being able to meet some wonderful people and attend some fabulous weddings! I've loved being able to capture some beautiful memories. I've loved being a wedding photographer.
Now it's time for other things.
Thank you for spending time with me.
- Kristen
Oh Wow! What a big decision to make. But I totally get it....
More support! Proud of everything you are doing.
Still supporting everything you do!
Love ya
You're beautiful, friend.
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