Monday, December 20, 2010

The Announcement

Remember that post a few months back about the website and how I had some good news? Well, the day has come - it's time to share:
I'm retiring.
(I call it "retiring" because it sounds nicer than "quitting".)
For quite a while now I've felt like I wanted to do more with my photography business, but I wasn't sure how to go about it what with three little ones and all. I was becoming really frustrated about it until I realized that I didn't want to be doing things halfway. I felt like I could do neither my photography nor my mothering the way I wanted because I was always thinking about the other, or busy with the other. I wanted to be giving it my all, but I couldn't with these two things. And since I want to be the best mom I can be more than I want to be a better photographer, I'm letting it go.
It took me a l-o-o-ng time to get there, but once I made the realization and the decision, I felt good about it. And I still do. I know I'm making the best choice for me.
So there you have it. I delayed this post for a long time because I wasn't sure how to tell you. My clients and friends and family - you've all been so supportive. I felt like I was letting you down by quitting, pardon me, "retiring". I know I surprised some of you. But I know this is a good thing and I hope you can see it as such.
I have truly appreciated all the kind words and referrals over the last 7 years. I've loved being able to meet some wonderful people and attend some fabulous weddings! I've loved being able to capture some beautiful memories. I've loved being a wedding photographer.
Now it's time for other things.
Thank you for spending time with me.

- Kristen


Jenn said...

Oh Wow! What a big decision to make. But I totally get it....

Erin and Chris Propp said...

More support! Proud of everything you are doing.

Erin and Chris Propp said...

Still supporting everything you do!
Love ya

Christie said...

You're beautiful, friend.